Have a look at the help file about [pdp_rec~] and [pdp_glx].
[pdp_glx] output mouse event messages when you are on the rendering window. So this message is not 'useful' for [pdp_rec~]
You can do something like that (for exemple) :
|  \
|    \
|      \
|      [pdp_rec~]

Then what you are recording (with [pdp_rec~]) is what you are seeing (with [pdp_glx]).


PS : don't forget to see what is output from an object (at its outlet (s)) and what an other object accept (at its inlet(s)) : have a look at the help patch.

Le 21 nov. 07 à 23:55, Javier Garcia a écrit :


I would like to record a video that goes from [pdp_qt] to [pdp_xv] or [pdp_glx] passing throw other pdp objects (or what is the same: my sessions).

I thougt in [pdp_rec~], but i have seen it only can be connected to [pdp_qt] or [pdp_qt~] but not to [pdp_xv] or [pdp_glx].

Can someone help me?


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