On Dec 10, 2007, at 3:25 PM, Roman Haefeli wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 15:03 -0500, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>>    print: symbol real\ people\ want\ to\ use\ spaces!
> definitely. the first question i hear from people using netpd/pd the
> first time is: 'how can i type spaces?' yet i decided to not add  
> another
> dependency for netpd just because of this rather silly restriction.  
> but
> since it seems, that the lack of spaces is really troubling users,  
> i am
> unsure, whether i should change that policy.

I think it would be awesome to have a real IRC or Jabber client in Pd  
and use it in netpd.  That's why I am writing the tkwidgets library,  
so that we can have nice, familiar, OS-native widgets in Pd.  netpd's  
chat would be a great test case for the new [entry], which isn't  
written yet, but wouldn't take long.  You could try [tkwidgets/text]  
it works pretty well now, and is quite customizable (there is still a  
couple bugs tho).


> since one can even open a file containing spaces in the path from  
> pd, it
> would actually make sense, if symbolatom would support that. i can't
> think of a case, where supporting spaces would break anything (or am i
> overseeing something?).
> before i change my policy about using externals in netpd, i would like
> to ask (probably miller?), if there is a chance, that symbolatom is
> changed accordingly in the future?
> roman
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during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man  
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