Joe Newlin hat gesagt: // Joe Newlin wrote:

> I tried running pd -verbose from the terminal, but got the same
> errors. It looks like at least some of the extended libraries are not
> being searched, and that pd is not searching subdirectories of the
> paths I entered.

No, Pd doesn't search subdirectories, it never did, not even on
Windows. You have to specify *all* paths to your externals and
abstractions in the Preferences. So if 
/usr/lib/local/pd/extra/sigpack/decimate~.pd_linux should load when
you create a [decimate~] object, you have to add
/usr/lib/local/pd/extra/sigpack/ to your search path. And so on. It's
the same for Linux and Windows.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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