
I have put a recording from yesterday's performance online. Music for  
<QT>, the quartertone organ from the logos foundation. It's a live  
recording (and video) from the first performance. Just for those  
people who are interested in the things pd is used for.

About the use of pd:

Parts of the music are controled by 2 Wii's, using my own wiimote  
external. The music itself is completely programmed in pd, with some  
extra externals i'll put online when I've dome some more work on them.  
For example all rhythms come out of a database with things I played on  
piano. PD selects the rhythms during performance according to several  

The first minute of the performance is not audible on this movie. The  
wii's adjust the speed of the organ's windblower, but that's a bit too  
silent for my video-camera. (The audience could hear it though.)

Last remark: it's quartertone music, it's not out of tune. :-)

Find it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwrcH8U2dR8



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