On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Phil Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luke,
>  Could you clarify this?  I looked through controctopus/semento, as you
>  uploaded it last month, to see if it had re-structured the hierarchy to
>  make substates more editable, but I'm having a little difficulty
>  figuring it out (do you have any relatively simple working examples?)

Hi Phil, sorry for the delay in responding; I've had my head buried in
Controctopus and need time to load Polaroid/Semento back in to my
brain : ).  But quickly: all you need from Semento is Polaroid,
sft.originator and sft.rradical.state.  Polaroid's helpfile has a
basic description of how the local-state-saving works, but I agree
that it could definitely use a nice straightforward example.  I'll
think about it, whip it up and get back to you.

But I will say, I use Polaroid daily and it is really fantastic and
worth the initial effort; getting Memento and then Polaroid integrated
into my patches really changed how I look at and use Pd.

More to come,

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