Frank Barknecht wrote:
> I think it's at least a bit annoying that Gem sets a hardcoded
> help-path prefix to "Gem" and doesn't use the objnam-help.pd pattern.

afair, this has been removed from Gem.

> I would much prefer it if Gem would behave like almost every other
> external/abstraction collection as this wouldn't require the special
> handling of Gem help files anymore. Currently some files in extra/Gem
> are abstractions (which have their "*-help.pd" files) other files are
> real help files for binary objects, but don't have a -help.pd suffix
> and it's all a bit, well, confusing, to say the least. Oki, I'm used
> to it over the years, but for a newcomer it surely is hard to follow.

afaik, your confusing setup is due to leftovers from old installations.
a fresh "make install" of Gem should do:
- create extra/Gem/
- put Gem.pd_linux into extra/Gem/
- put all help-files (with "-help" suffix) into extra/Gem/
- put all abstractions into extra/Gem/
- put all help-files for abstractions (absname with "-help" suffix) into 
- put the examples/ folder into doc/gem/

if it doesn't do so, please file a bug-report.
one could argue that the examples/ should go into extra/Gem/examples/

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