i don't think it is a silly question.

afaik, there isn't anything like that already built-in. but it is quite
feasible to program it yourself in pd. 

i assume, that you have some event, that is supposed to trigger pd to
quit. instead of directly sending the message 'quit' to pd, you pop up a
subpatch [pd quitdialog] by sending a message 'vis 1' to [s
this subpatch [pd quitdialog] contains a comment 'do you really want to
quit?' and two buttons, one labelled 'yes' and the other labelled 'no'. 
the yes-button triggers the message 'quit'->[s pd] and the no-button
triggers the message 'vis 0'->[s pd-quitdialog] in order to close the


On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 21:25 +0100, gilberto bernardes wrote:
> Dear PD users
> First my excuses for the silly question, but is quite important for
> me.
> Can someone tell me if there is a way to quit PD through a message
> like (; pd quit) with a dialogue box requesting if I really want to
> quit, and not suddendly like it happens?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gilberto Bernardes
> www.bernardes7.googlepages.com
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