I don't really think PD-Max compatibility should factor much into  
decisions about improving PD, especially when it would force 'untidy'  
concessions on the part of PD to facilitate awkward max paradigms  
(like right to left execution order, etc.).

If [1]**[2] (where [1] and [2] are inlets) seems the cleanest and most  
consistent syntax, then it should certainly be used; and bite our  
thumbs at Max.

I believe the PD is better than Max; this is certainly true in one  
important sense:
if you write a PD patch, you can give it to anyone with a reasonably  
modern computer; they will be able to download PD on their machine/OS  
and execute with full rights and privileges.

The same cannot be said of Max.

Onward and Upward!


On Apr 25, 2008, at 9:33 AM, marius schebella wrote:
> frank,
> you are right that the importer would probably use pd's internal pow~,
> but from my own experience I can only say max and pd are becoming less
> and less compatible, I ported a lot of patches and also big patches, I
> always did this by hand, because there are too many things that can go
> wrong. with max 5 I am not sure, if it is still possible to export the
> patches text files at all? but there are mor tricky differences, and I
> don't think cyclone did take care of them (see below), so why hold up
> the flag for a feature that is not really used by anyone and does not
> work reliably anyway. (although I agree with you and think it would
> still be a good idea to rewrite this part of the importer)
> other max/puredata differences
> in max messages save their last values, so you can retrigger them by a
> bang, in pd not.
> trigger behaves different with number arguments. in max the number  
> will
> be consistent, in pd it is a placeholder for float(and gets replaced  
> by
> another number).
> in max there is this right to left order of execution for objects that
> are connected without trigger that does not exist in pd.
> some other things rather apply when you try to expor pd patches.
> unpack does not work for symbols in max.
> pd has no integers. a [+] in pd will work for floats and integers, but
> when you port it to max, it will default to integers. (the same with a
> lot of other objects, like line...)
> select does not output a list on its right outlet in max.
> all the best,
> marius.
> Frank Barknecht wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:
>>> honestly, I think not many people used it...
>>> I ran
>>> grep -R " pow~" *
>>> in my pd-directories and found only two patches (of 10000+)  
>>> besides the
>>> helppatch for pow~, that use it. nusmuk for distortion.pd, tb for
>>> sigmoid_booster~.pd
>>> I don't know other big collections like net-pd (I think I just  
>>> checked
>>> pdmtl). and maybe "official" tutorial patches floating around.
>>> anyway, I can only speak for myself, and I would like to see  
>>> "pow~" with
>>> a new behaviour.
>> This would break or make necessary an update to Cyclone's Max  
>> importer:
>> Cyclone's goal always was to make Pd a bit mor Max compatible, and  
>> many
>> Max patches use pow~.
>> Ciao
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