On May 29, 2008, at 4:48 PM, Martin Peach wrote:

> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> Sorry, I should have been clearer.  The Save As location for New/
>> Untitled patches is set to $HOME.  Save As for existing patches
>> remains the current folder.
> I can't think of any time this would be useful. Apps that do that  
> force me
> to waste my time drilling back down to the folder I'm working in.  
> Having
> loose patches floating around the home directory is messy as well.

What folder were you working in when you create a new patch?  What if  
there are no other patches open?  What if there are many patches open  
in many different folders?

Before, on Mac OS X at least, it defaulted to "/".  I've changed that  
to "~", which I think is a lot more useful.  Perhaps it could be like  

- if no other patches open, then "~".
- if other patches are open, then use the folder of the current top  


> Martin
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