Si Mills hat gesagt: // Si Mills wrote:

> So in a nutshell,  what is different about this? I got a bit lost  
> following this thread :)

It should behave just as before except for one thing: Sending a "set"
to SSSAD_ADMIN or sending a "bang" into the first inlet of a [sssad]
object will never output a single bang on the [sssad]'s outlet. So
uninitialized [sssad] objects where just an empty list is stored will
stay silent until they receive some valid data.

The other change is an internal cleanup: The new sssad is completely
self-contained in sssad.pd. The helper abstractions in the
"_sssad"-subdirectory aren't used anymore and can be deleted (they
will be deleted from the SVN later as well.)

I don't think, the new sssad will be included in pd-extended 0.40, as
that is about to be released (or maybe released already?) and the new
sssad.pd isn't tested that much yet. 

AFAIK the old sssad was deleted from the current version of
pd-extended anyway, because the libdir-loader cannot load it.
Personally I think, removing sssad.pd is not a good workaround, but at
least it may make more people download and test the current
SVN-version. ;-)

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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