
Yvan Vander Sanden wrote:
> I was trying to make myself understand how zexy's limiter works but I
> can't get any sound out of it.
> In a very basic set-up like this:
> [osc~ 440]
>    |
> [dac~ 1]
> I do get sound. But when routing the audio through the limiter there
> is no sound any more
> [osc~ 440]
>    |
> [limiter~]
>    |
> [dac~ 1]

As the help patch states limiter~ does not output the limited signal
itself (as a "standard" limiter hardware would do), but the
multiplication factor for getting the limited signal.

So, your patch has to look something like
|               \
[limiter~]      [z~ 64]
|               /

cu Thomas
"Prisons are needed only to provide the illusion that courts and police
are effective. They're a kind of job insurance."
(Leto II. in: Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune)

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