Phil Stone hat gesagt: // Phil Stone wrote:

> Attached is [maketime], a lovely little timer/stopwatch.  I've long 
> since lost track of who made it, so I'm sorry can't give you 
> well-deserved credit here.  At any rate, it creates *at least* one 
> symbol per second (probably more, I'm not sure if each [makefilename] 
> generates a new symbol, but I'm guessing it does).  This makes me 
> nervous, as I have no idea what the symbol table capacity is, or how to 
> see how "full" it is.  It seems likely that this abstraction would crash 
> eventually.

A fix for this maketime would be to reuse the symbols ":00" ... ":59"
for minutes and hours by using two [cnv] objects for these. Then you
would be able to let the clock run for decades before you get into
trouble with the symbol table.

Every table or receiver or route-selector etc. also is a symbol. So
while the implementation of the symbol table is suboptimal, in practice
it's not something you need to worry about too much. At least it should
not make you replace [route freq note] with [route 0 1] :-)


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