How about this project:
Beginners Building Blocks.

Right now, If I want to even make a simple sine oscillator synth with an
ADSR envelope on it, it's not very easy to do out of the box. What if there
were some entry-level abstractions in a very OBVIOUS location that people
could instantly piece together some classic Unit Generators. Important for
these would be the ability to copy/paste items from a main page of
abstractions. Also, they should have a simple GUI interface, and possibly be
set up automatically to use SSAD.

I'm thinking stuff like:

-basic envelope generators
-basic oscillators (bandlimited ones would be nice): sine, square, triangle,
-basic i/o that is more intuitive to newbies
-basic sample players (one shot, looping, pitch shifting, multi-sample a la
-basic MIDI controller mapping tools (so people could just twist a knob to
assign a parameter)
-basic step, piano roll, &c sequencers
-basic pitch/rhythm analysis (wrappers for sigmund~, fiddle~, and bonk~)
-basic modular counters
-an extensive collection of examples using these objects, documenting
parameters, as well as ways to connect and/or modify and save new versions
of objects using SSAD
-video stuff would also be great, something akin to a freshened up

Anyway, I just thought these things would be really nice to have in an
accessible place in Pd-extended. Because right now whenever I just want to
make something very simple, i end up having to click a mouse about 200 times
which is annoying and makes me worried about RTS!

Pd and Pd-extended are so difficult to navigate for newbies. There need to
be more "pick up and go" audio tools. I'm thinking of how Reaktor and
Max/MSP are so easy to dive into. Pd is a lot like a cold cold ocean whereas
the other two are nice warm swimming pools. Pd is deeper and more exciting
by far, but you can get swept away in an undertow never to return!

This project could be accomplished by merging elements from NetPd, Pdmtl,
and various slick patches made by the resident list geniuses. (Another thing
about NetPd if Roman and Eni are listening: can you make a tar.gz or zip
download of ALL current NetPd patches? I hate having to download 30+ items
one at a time. RTS fears again!)

So there's my way more than 2 cents. Take what you will from it.


On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <> wrote:

> On Mar 7, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > On Sat, 2009-03-07 at 11:26 +0100, Enrique Erne wrote:
> >> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> >>> The Google Summer of Code (( application
> >>> is due very soon, March 9th, and we need mentors!  At this point,
> >>> you
> >>> just need to put down your name.  Then once the projects are in,
> >>> we'll
> >>> choose projects and who will mentor them.
> >>
> >>> Every pd developer who wants to support the project but is not
> >>> student
> >>> anymore is invited to join as mentor, since the number of sponsored
> >>> projects by google depends on the number of mentors and students.
> >>
> >> Andy, Claude, Frank, Marius, Mathieu, Roman where are you guys?
> >>
> >> add your names, hurry! :)
> >
> > yo, i am happy to add my name, but i guess it only makes sense for
> > me to
> > take a mentorship of a project, that is about patching and not c
> > coding.
> > from what i have seen, there is only one project - undead - which
> > seems
> > to be about patching. derek holzer is already proposed as a mentor.
> > does
> > it make sense to propose more then one mentor for a project?
> You could also create a new project based on something like creating
> libraries out of all that useful code in netpd.  Basically, think of
> something that you would like implemented in Pd that you could mentor.
> .hc
> >
> >
> > roman
> >
> >
> >
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