Hallo Matt,
Matt Barber hat gesagt: // Matt Barber wrote:

> Attached is an inversion.pd which is a bit simpler -- usually when
> inverting in pitch (rather than pitch-class) it's
> easier/simpler/better to invert with respect to an axis of symmetry
> rather than with respect to the first pitch in the series (of course
> you can assign the first pitch as the axis).

Ah, that's much simpler indeed - and thanks a lot for your other
explanations. I updated the code on
http://footils.org/pkg/list-compose.tgz to include this as
inversion-axis.pd and made the old inversion.pd a wrapper around this,
which set the first note as the inversion axis.

(I made a little change to save the multiplication by 2 by using
[swap] and a loadbang.)

> If you think it would be useful I can put together the standard
> 12-tone operators in mod 12 (or for that matter, an assignable
> modulus), but of course specific register information disappears.  A
> more interesting but more difficult project would be to write a list
> abstraction to output the set-class of a given set of pitches, with an
> assignable modulus.

I think, that would be an interesting project. I took the patches in
my example from my port of KHz Essl's RTC lib (in row-modus.pd).
Myself I'm not *that* familiar with 12-tone theory ...

 Frank Barknecht            Do You RjDj.me?          _ ______footils.org__

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