do you see error messages in the console during start up? like do you
see a printout about Gem loading correctly? do you see any errors when
you load the patch? are the objects created without problems?
an issue could be that Gem has to be compiled for 0.42, but that is
just a guess.

2009/3/25 thomas thiery <matoh...@gmail.com>:
> Hello pd-list,
> I use a little patch with an object pix_video (lib Gem) on mac osX 10.5.6
> 2.8 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
> I test it with Pd 0.42-4 ang Gem 0.91.3 we don't see anything, my webcam
> doesn't appear
> and
> I test it with pd 0.41-4 ang Gem 0.91.3 it works
> Do you have any solutions? Is it a bug or I must do something special with
> pd 0.42-4?
> Anyone can help me with this?
> Cheers Thomas
> --
> Matohawk production
> http://matohawkitongroup.free.fr
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