volker b?hm hat gesagt: // volker b?hm wrote:

> i tried that, but here pd vanilla always prefers its own internal abs~.
> sticking the external abs~ into /Contents/Resources/extra/ didn't help.
> neither did creating an extra folder (with abs~ inside) and adding its 
> path to pd's path preferences (this normally works for adding my own 
> externals).
> where would i put the external, to overrule the internal?
> as i understand from the recent discussions this process is rather  
> convoluted, but is it also unpredictable?

It's "strange" and in the opinion of several other developers like IOhannes
(and I think me, too) buggy by design, too. But if you load the abs~.pd_darwin
with "-lib abs~" then that should override the internal. 

However it's better for now to replace the [abs~] with the tabread~ solution I
posted as "absolute~.pd" yesterday. Just embed it into the patch.


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