Hi list,
i have an Urgent problem i realy hope someone could help me quickly. This is
the last day for me to prepare a performance for a live show and Pd doesn't
open anymore. :(
The story>
i installed pdmtl library (from zip file on MAC) following the video
tutorial. I modified Pd preferences (path and startup), close Pd and when i
tried to relaunch it, it open a blank consolle and then crash immediately
without loading any library (or at least i don-t see in the consolle
anything loading).
so it doesn-t allow me to modify anymore the preferences.

i disinstalled Pd and reinstalled twice but it keeps on with the same
behaviour described above (as far as i know the keys are still stored in the

how can i modify the org.puredata.pd.plist file from terminal? i used the
command defaults read org.puredata.pd and i see the error in in the flags
startup - but i cannot sort out how to modify it from terminal... (sorry for
the ignorance but im not used to manage terminal)
i also look for org.puredata.pd.plist in ~/Library/Preferences/ but the file
doens't look to be there.

or how i disinstall Pd in order to reset all preferences?
or any other suggestion is really appreciated, i still have a hell of work
to do on the performance patch.....  :((((

was checking in the list archive and documentation but didnt find the
specific command line to modify the pref.
thanks a lot...


Marco Donnarumma aka The !S.A.D!

Multimedia Artist, Live Performer
Roma, IT

LAB: http://www.thesaddj.com | http://www.flxer.net

EVENT: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
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