Thanks for the help.  [import bsaylor] worked for me.

On Jul 1, 2009, at 11:27 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

The latest version is included in Pd-extended on all platforms, AFAIK. partconv~ is part of the 'bsaylor' library, so you need to make sure its loaded, you can do that like this:
[import bsaylor]            [partconv~]


or something like (I forget the exact syntax):
[declare -lib bsaylor]            [partconv~]


On Jun 23, 2009, at 3:58 AM, Hannes Breitschädel wrote:

Dear List!
Mitchell, no answer for you, sorry,
but I also encounter problems with partconv:

I have been using a 2004 version of partconv.dll for years but unfortunately the dll does not
load any more in the latest pd environments 0.40 +

Is there a new version available somewhere?

all the best,

Am 22.06.2009 um 19:04 schrieb Mitchell Turner:

Dear all,
I am having a small problem with partconv~.

When I start a patch that contains partconv~, the partconv~ object will not create (the object looks like a red-dashed box -- I'm using Pd-extended (0.41.4), Mac OS 10.5.7 on a MacBookPro).

As soon as I open the help file for partconv~, however, the partconv~ object will create.

So at this point, the only solution is to open Pd, then open the partconv~ help file, then open my patch containing the partconv~ object. This does not seem correct to me but, I am not sure how to fix it.

Thanks for your time,

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