i had similar problems on Jaunty and i solved everything with this tutorial:


it's pretty complete. On my machine every application uses now Pulseaudio
mixer, except Pd which makes happily use of Jack.
Starting qjackctl from terminal (before using pd) terminate automatically
Pulseaudio - avoiding *snd_pcm_open (output): Device or resource busy*.
Once you close jack Pulseaudio will be initialize again automatically when
another application ask for it.

hope this help..


> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 21:40:48 -0000 (AZOST)
> From: g...@itchybit.org
> Subject: [PD] Ubuntu. PD, Pulseaudio problems
> To: pd-list@iem.at
> Message-ID: <62317.>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> hello,
> im using Ubuntu Jaunty and have problems with sound in PD 0.41.4-extended
> when using simultaneously Firefox and/or Audacious.
> If i start PD sooner then firefox and audacious, they dont make any sounds
> but sound in pd works ok. If i start PD later, firefox and audacious work
> fine, but sound in PD gets stuck with:
> snd_pcm_open (output): Device or resource busy (in the shell)
> audio I/O stuck... closing audio (in pd console)
> Both FF and Audacious are using the pulseaudio server. I tried to create a
> /etc/asound.conf, to create a new device:
> pcm.pulse {
>    type pulse
> }
> ctl.pulse {
>    type pulse
> }
> pcm.!default {
>    type pulse
> }
> ctl.!default {
>    type pulse
> }
> and use it with pd -alsa -alsaadd pulse, but the audio output in pd still
> doesnt work when running some other sound applications. When running pd
> alone like this, the sound is severely garbled and after a while it hangs
> the same...
> Is there some normal way how to handle this ? I mean it should not be a
> problem using several application at once but apparently pd has some
> problems with it..
> Thanks for any advices..
> gnd/

Marco Donnarumma aka The !S.A.D!

Independent New Media Arts Professional, Performer - Roma, IT

LAB: http://www.thesaddj.com | http://www.flxer.net

EVENT: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
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