Hi all,

Early this month (Sep. 2009) a book on Pd was released in Japan rather


As the name "CQ Publications" may tell, the publisher is widely known in
Japan for decades for their Ham & Radio related books and magazines.

This book also takes a rather unique approach, introducing Pd as a
method to build your own filters and DSP blocks for the sole purpose of
expanding your transceiver.

Here is a brief translation of the final chapter on sample patches.

7. Sample patch
 7-1 VU meter
 7-2 Analyzing and displaying the input signal
 7-3 Morse code generator
 7-4 DTMF encoder
 7-5 DTMF decoder
 7-6 Compressor
 7-7 Using the RS232C

The book also comes with a CD-ROM containing Windows binaries of

David Shimamoto

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