On Sep 21, 2009, at 9:45 PM, András Murányi wrote:

2009/9/17 Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>

On Sep 16, 2009, at 7:46 PM, András Murányi wrote:

BTW, I have a dream which is that the console is tabbed, and the default tab displays system messages, while for each [print PREFIX] a new tab is opened. That way messages get separated by PREFIX. It's just a silly dream, forget it ;op Tabs in the Pd window would be very nice indeed. Someone just needs to code it. :-D

I made up the tabs, but I don't want to brute-regex every message so I need to catch where [print] generates user-made messages.

OK... It seems it is well buried in the C side. If I'm right, user
messages are composed by print_anything() in x_interface.c which gives
post() a single string which calls dopost() which finally calls
pdtk_post in pdwindows.tcl.
I see no much chance to supply additional information to the tcl side, do you?

Great start! Tcl's a bit weird, but you can do a lot with a few lines of code.

Sounds like you got it right. I think you'll have to brute regex it in pdtk_post for this idea to work. But since its a plugin, I think its ok if its a bit heavy since it can be easily disabled.

I think the easiest thing to do here would be to create your own ::pdwindow::pdtk_post and then use the 'rename' command to swap yours in for the standard one.

Hello HC,

i'm assembling regex for filtering out system messages and i have a problem, which is that $::pd_path and $::startup_libraries are empty on startup, they only get loaded when path or startup is modified. Can you help this from the C side?

I was actually planning a little hack for this release, then it can be changed later to something better. But this weekend, I plan on making it so that the GUI requests the path and startup panels so that it gets the info, but it doesn't show the dialog panels the first time.




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