On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Matt Barber wrote:
>> I think this might underline how useful it would be for those of us who
>> use vanilla Pd to have some symbol manipulation tools in vanilla,
> It's useless to underline it more than it's been underlined before. Just
> stop using vanilla. This fixes the problem.

I agree -- I don't use vanilla myself, but I know a lot of people do.
As you suggest it's useful for testing the limits -- the sorting
algorithms I implemented a year ago ([list-shellsort] in list-abs is
one of them) are in this class of objects.  I also think they're
useful for teaching students who are intimidated by written code
(almost all of my students are classically-trained composers) some
things about algorithmic thinking.

By "underlining," I mean sometimes you don't know just how badly it's
missing until you try to do it in Pd and check the results against the
compiled libraries.  [list-l2s] will never be as fast as [list2symbol]
from zexy... etc.


> Games like you've done can be fun though. I've had fun with the [list-drip]
> speed hacks in february. But it was only a game. In real life I use
> [foreach], which is written in C++, and it works fine and faster than what's
> possible to do as a regular Pd patch. The game was only for testing limits
> and demonstrating unusual techniques (i mean techniques that are unusual in
> the context of pd; they may be commonplace in some other programming
> language).

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