Hi Florian, Johannes an Mike

after a little abstinence period i want to come back to my wiimote experiments and would like to know how far the integration of the MotionPlus into the pd-external went meanwhile.

I setup up my laptop-environment and downloaded the latest stuff from svn.

So my first step was trying to compile it on my ubuntu laptop and some questions aroused, which are based on the fact that i still dont know enough of c-programming and the compilation process.

I looked into the makefile.org file and tried to set up all pathes according to my system and here is my first

it is referring to this part of the makefile.org


# specify the path to CWiid:
LIBCWIID_PATH = "cwiid-svn/libcwiid"

# You shouldn't need to change anything beyond here! #

ifdef PD_PATH
PD_EXTRA_PATH := ../../../../lib/libs
PD_DOC_PATH := ../../../../lib/pd-help
PD_INCLUDE := -I../../../pd/src
PD_EXTRA_PATH := /usr/local/lib/pd/extra
PD_DOC_PATH := /usr/local/lib/pd/doc

Since i have a somewhat unusual location of my files i ask my self if these pathes have to point to the locations where these files are
(taken from wiimote.c file)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <m_pd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cwiid.h>

Is that Right ???

I am always confused whether the path means the location of the sources or the binaries.....

I get the following error:
in line 55: balance_cal hat unvollständigen Typen
unbenutzter Parameter für "mesg", "timestamp" "ap"

nicht deklariert für "CWIID_FLAG_MOTIONPLUS"

i guess some pathes are not set right....

Another thing i never know wit the declaration of pathes...

When do i use " " " quotes ??

like in


do i need the first slash ??

why is somtime an "I" used and sometimes not ?


i looked for the locations of my header files:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/usr/include/sys and
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <m_pd.h>
/usr/include and
#include <math.h>
#include <cwiid.h>

So my makefile should look like that - i thought....




and further down:


I appreciate any help

Thanks Luigi

Am 03.Okt.09 um 03.Okt.09 MESZ 10:35 schrieb Luigi Rensinghoff:


Thanks a lot

Sounds Promising

Am 03.Okt.09 um 03.Okt.09 MESZ 10:23 schrieb Florian Krebs:


I added Mike, the developer of the PD-External and IOhannes, who is also actively working with the External to our conversation.

I continued working on the PD-external a bit the last weeks, and I think it would be great to set up a repository for it.

@Mike Woz: Can we put it in the PureData development svn ?

What I did was basically integrate multiple bluetooth dongle support (to be able to use more than 7 wiimotes on one computer). I haven't used the MotionPlus so far, but as I remember my collegue IOhannes is planning to use this for a project in a couple of weeks, and also Mike has done some work with the MotionPlus for the External.

So again I would say next step is to put it in svn.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Luigi Rensinghoff" <postmas...@halbsolaut.de >
To: <cw...@abstrakraft.org>; <flokadi...@yahoo.de>
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 12:30 PM
Subject: Motion Plus Data to be used with Puredata/OSC-Data-stream

Hello there,

i am writing to you because the web told me, that you are actively developing or working on the cwiid-library or the Wiimote-PD-External for Puredata.

I worked on a music-improvisation project with the wiimote and wrote quite a bit of PD-Patches and used the PD-External on linux, that depends on the cwiid library.

I stopped further development because of the shortcomings due to accelerometers only and the complicated IR-Things with the wiimote. When i heard of the release of the MotionPlus, i was very excited and was looking forward to the time, when the MotionPlus was usuable with the PD-External.

So now my question:

Is it possible to use the MotionPlus with a recent version of cwiid and the pd-external ? What do i need to do for that ?
Simply compile the PD-External against a cwiid-MotionPlus branch ?

Did you make any tests with that ? I could read that it is still more or less beta...

I further would like to know if you are planning to continue working on that, to know if in the near future i can count on a more or less stable release, or if this will always stay a more or less unstable beta-experiment project.

I would very much appreciate any kind of feedback. If you know of any other possible way to get data from the MotionPlus into an OSC- Data stream - no matter which platform - please let me know as well.

Thanks a lot


P.S. If you are interested in my actual performance got to my website:

or do a search "berby & nerd" on youtube/vimeo


Dipl-Toning.(FH) Luigi Rensinghoff
mobil: 0177-5412191
skype: gigischinke


Dipl-Toning.(FH) Luigi Rensinghoff
mobil: 0177-5412191
skype: gigischinke

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