Which version of Pd-extended are you using?


On Mar 8, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:

IOhannes m zmoelnig escribió:

seems like you are missing the libdir loader.
Pd-extended compiles libraries as libdirs, [...]

Oh yes!
Libdir is indeed the first item in the "loadlib" list - i.e. it is "loadlib1"="libdir" in the registry, so the mistery is why libdir doesn't [didn't] load in the first place (I do, and did, have a libdir.dll file in the extra folder).

Now two strange things:
1) I manually re-edited the .reg file, apparently reestablishing it just like it was before (I had replaced all "loadlib" with "path" as a workaround, to have all externals available though not pre- loaded), and surprise surprise, now everything works: libdir loads and all subsequent libs load

2) Now, just to try, I deleted all keys from the registry (all the "loadlib" entries _and_ the "nloadlib" entry); however, when I run Pd, it still loads all libraries, and they appear in the "startup" list. If I modify the list from Pd and click "Apply", then all keys in the registry are created again.

So, how does Pd "remember" the startup list after I delete it from the registry? Seems like it saves it somewhere else. Where?? Or is it the registry itself that has some sort of "cache"?

Regarding mistrey (1), there is an error in the pd-settings.reg file (as it "ships" with Pd Extended), that the line just before "loadlib1"="libdir" reads
where it should read

However I had fixed it already, so it doesn't quite explain the fact that libdir didn't load......

Matteo Sisti Sette

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