Well I must give a +1 to all the members of this list for being so civil, constructive, polite and friendly.
The answers one usually get to that kind of subject are much less friendly.

Who wants smooth, curvy, creamy, glossy, mild, silky audio anyway?
Happy - rough - Pd to all :)

PS: I guess no one has done any blind tests using only ear right?
There's a nice episode reported in Michelangelo's life shown in one of the films about him - not sure exactly how it went but here goes: the master is working at one of his masterpieces (probably the David or something) and some dude comes along, well actually he's on the side of the patrons an so although he's pretty daft, he's also paying for the thing and wants to put his word into it. He says "Hey Michelangelo, you idiot, that nose is too big!" Michelangelo counts up to ten then smiles and answers humbly: "Oh yes Sir, thank you. I guess I should make it smaller" so he takes his hammer and bangs hard on the wall two or three times and lets some powder drop down, without actually touching the nose, then pulls back. "What do you think now Sir?" "Ah" says the guy full of himself "perfect, /now/ it is perfect".
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