Ok, I managed to enter several ascii 160 (nonbereakable) and even ascii 32
(normal spaces) in a row into [text2d] with [prepend_ascii]. So it shouldn't
be a big deal to put a line of text together from ascii. However, the real
problem is that [textfile] or [zexy/msgfile] cannot even output regular
spaces that can be converted to ascii 32.
There is no output at all for the spaces. They are only used internally for
separation purposes.

OTOH I will be getting standard textfiles with regular "spaces" but I can't
even read the spaces to convert them to something pd can handle within pd. I
don't even know if textfiles can even hold "nonbreakable spaces" at all. So
now the original question has changed to:

Is there an object that can read textfiles (or any other file type) that
includes "spaces" and can output these spaces (as something) so I can
convert them to "ascii 32" or "ascii 160"?

Pleeeaase (!) DO NOT  start a general discussion about spaces in pd here.
There is a time and a place for everything but this is neither the time nor
the place. This stuff has already been discussed many times before.

I'd be deeply grateful for any suggestion!

> Well, if you only need to send the space to [text2d], then perhaps you can
> just generate it with objects and let GEM handle the rest, and never save
> the character in message boxes.
> It will be either "194 160" for utf-8, or "160" for latin-1 and for
> "unencoded unicode".
> I think that I first had started with a different kind of nbsp that took
> three bytes, and this wasn't understood on OSX, and I changed it to the
> normal nbsp I've been talking about so far, and it became cross-platform.
> I don't remember what it is like on Windows.
>   _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
> | Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801

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