On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:49 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:

On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 16:56 -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jun 2010, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Jun 15, 2010, at 10:09 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
You need to do [import hexloader] first, then those objects will create.
Why isn't hexloader enabled by default ?
It was causing a lot of problems.  Check the archives for details.

Actually, I can't get hexloader to work. It seems to have no effect.

I can't instantiate [mtx_+] without first instantiating [mtx_add], which
is the same class.

There are pd-extended users who recompile zexy and iemmatrix as big
libraries because the system of one-class-per-file of pd-extended doesn't work with those names and the filesystems. It's causing a lot of problems.

Yeah, there have been some troubles. In the case of iemmatrix: most of
the aliases were missing completely, so even with hexloader loaded,
Pd-extended wouldn't find the correct files. I created a patch that adds all missing aliases for iemmatrix and IOhannes committed it two days ago
[1]. I guess you would need to try a current autobuild to be able to
create [mtx_+] directly. The rc3 version was released before the patch
was applied.

Regarding zexy, I am not aware of any troubles in Pd-extended. Please
post bugs, if you find any. I guess we're not far away from the libdirs
behaving similar to the original multi-object library format. I
personally care most about zexy and iemmatrix, I haven't checked if
other libraries also require aliases.


@ Hans
You said you removed hexloader from automatically being loaded, because there have been some troubles in the past. The reason could be found in
the list archives. I haven't thoroughly checked everything about
hexloader, but it seemed to me that most problems have been solved. If
not, can you elaborate a bit the issue?
Personally, I think it would help _a lot_ to make Pd patches portable
between flavours, if hexloader would be loaded automaticall on start- up of Pd-extended. Please let me know, if you think it is not worth raising
this discussion again.


I don't remember the reasons, I'd have to dig in the archives to remember :) hexloader has been IOhannes' project. I think in order for it to work, it should be simplified more. I think it should use a setup function called setup(), for example. Then it wouldn't need to do any 0x hex rewriting for the setup function.



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