Hey again,


I have my 3 avi's with 3 seperate [gemheads] which I can now move around the
[gemwin].  Cool.

Could someone enlighten me towards the relationships between [translate] and
[rectangle] please?

I would like to keep the original aspect ratios for the 3 avi's.  Avi 1 is
an odd shape  - w432 h768 - (it's approximately half of my laptop desktop
recorded with RecordMyDesktop) and avi 2&3 are recorded off bog-standard
camera's, so are 320x240. The larger file is on the left of my gemwindow
with the 2 other avi's to the right, one above the other.  I have added the
widths of film 1 and film 2 with little borders which gives [dimen 762
768(.  I can move the files around and get an approximate fit moving between
each [translate] and [rectangle] but I get the feeling there is a more
rigorous approach.

Apologies in advance if I have missed something in the helpfiles or various
tutorials but I can't seem to find the info I'm looking for.

Best wishes,

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