Husk 00 wrote:
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:30 PM, <> < <>> wrote:

    still DC camera ( like Unibrain camera ) give uncompressed signal,
    so they have very low latency...

    these cameras are supported generally on Mac OSX
    through quicktime ( with pix_video or pdp_ieee1394
    that uses quicktime too  ).

    on linux, cameras are supported by different APIs
    and thus different objects
    ( pdp_ieee1394, pdp_v4l, pdp_v4l2 or pdp_dc1394 )
    depending on your type of cameras....

Hi Yves and list,
I didn't know anything about pdp_dc1394. I'm on ubuntu lucid (10.4) and pd-extended 0.42 and the object doesn't exist. Should I compile pdp in order to get this object? When I worked with IIDC camera on linux and pd (a unibrain one) I used coriander to get it as a standard v4l device (by using vloopback module), and it worked like a charm! But maybe I should try pdp_dc1394 (if I found it!)


yes it's not compiled in pd-extended,
you have to get pidip sources
and install libdc1394-22-dev..
and then compile pidip.

this is something lluis did recently
that was never included in pd-extended..
neither in pure:dyne packages.

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