On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:53 PM, B. Bogart <b...@ekran.org> wrote:

> Hi Hans,
> Now I'm really confused. I tried -verbose and it shows the following in
> the path.
> /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/
> I rechecked the installation of the recommended fonts (see
> small-font-pd-extended-#2.png) and verified the command line flags. Even
> the font size does not change. Tk scaling is 1.2508464142813174.
> So maybe tk is not reading the fonts for some reason, so I did a little
> wish8.5 test, presented in tk_likes_dejavu.png.
> Am I the only one trying to use pd-extended 0.42-5 on a 64bit lucid
> machine with nvidia proprietary drivers?

You are not...! I have the same setup, and fonts are looking good.
I'd say don't bother removing the driver, sniff around TCl/Tk instead.
For example, my tk scaling is 4.2333333333333325
What is TCL/Tk version?

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