Greate to hear that vanilla compiles ok and starts up!!

what version of GCC did you use?
how floating point is handled ?

have you tried using USB audion instead?

I just had been looking at the Pandora Board,
which uses 2-core Cortex-A9 with FPU,
thing to get it soonish to run my pd
WSN project (

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:14:44AM -0800, mark gross wrote:
> I'm trying to get vanilla PD working on a beagle board using open
> embedded's angstrom-2010.x distro.  I've hacked up a bit bake recipe
> (still a hack job) and the to make a
> image that will actually run the PD GUI on a BB.
> My problem now is with the audio.  I can't seem to get PD's audio + midi
> test to make any more than queuer counter noises.  I've played with using
> OSS and Alsa, and disabling pulse from the build.
> aplay does play a 22050Hz mono-wave file.  
> I get the following errors from PD when I attempt to run it as root:
> using OSS I get clicks from the test patch.
> Using Alsa I get a spike in cpu use and things get really sluggish.
> and I get --
> tried but couldn't sync A/D/A
> ...
> I would like to get any debugging tips or advice possible to finish this
> project and post a howto (and perhaps add the recipe to OE)
> Thanks!
> --mark
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