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On 01/03/2011 01:39 PM, ronni montoya wrote:
> Hello,  i like the distorsion effect that i get when i  turn up the
> amplitude of a freeverb~  until it clips the signal.
> The sound is interesting but the problem is that since its  clipping
> it affects all the other sound pd is generating.
> My question is:
> How can i replicate that distorsion effect in a way that it doesnt
> affect the others sounds?

well, make sure that the effect appears with no other sound involved.
e.g. what you are describing seems like you are saturating the [dac~].
now what you are sending to the dac is a sum of all signals, and this
sum is then saturated (if the absolute sum of your signals is >1 and the
sound-infrastructure you are using cannot handle floating point signals)

therefore, the perceived effect depends on all signals sent to the dac.

the solution is of course to make the effect happen without involving
all signals and then scale it back so that the sum of all signals does
not trigger another distortion.

> Is there a external that recreates that type of distorsion?

no. you can do that with vanilla Pd objects, e.g. [clip~]
Pd itself has plenty of objects to do most complicated stuff, often
there is no need to resort to an external
(otoh, even though you can do the requested thing with Pd-vanilla just
fine, i'm sure that there is an external that does what you need)


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