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On 2011-02-03 07:35, Morgan Packard wrote:
> Hello there.
> I'm interested in using PD. However, as someone who spends a lot of time
> with code, I'm actually a little afraid of the learning curve involved with
> the graphical programming language! 

well, i would say, that if you don't like graphical programming, then Pd
is probably a not so good choice for you.

> I'd be much more comfortable creating my
> patches using, for example, a Python tool. Does such a programmatic PD patch
> generation tool exist? I can't imagine I'm the first person who's wanted
> such a thing.

there are sure ways to programmatically create patches.
from whatever environment you prefer.
nevertheless you will need to understand how Pd works, in order to do
such things, which will send you back to the start, where you need walk
the steep hills of learning Pd.

just my 2¢.


PS: afaict, all the responses to your question mentioning "pdlua",
"python", "tcl/tk" miss the point, as they talk about adding
functionality to Pd with the help of text-based languages. (for unknown
reasons "C" and derivatives was not mentioned). this allows you to do
more things within the graphical patching environment, but it doesn't
replace the graphical part.

PPS: i might as well miss the point
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