Hi Onyx,
i would use the built-in I2C bus for connecting multiple arduinos. One of them can do the communication to the host computer.


Am 26.10.2011 um 13:47 schrieb o...@onyx-ashanti.com:

greetings. i was wondering, any insight on taking the data from 3 arduinos running firmata and dumping them, using xbee trancievers, to a single comport in in pure data?

my project uses 3 xbee "transmitter" nodes which communicate directly with its own xbee basestation"reciever" at my computer. this works but i seek to refine the system to have one basestation xbee that will recieve all of the data from the 3 nodes. from what i understand of this process, i need to add a tag like "left" in the arduino code" then parse that data on the computer end. but it seems as if this will break the arduino object.

my options, i feel, are to try to either add the tag, parse the data in pure data before the arduino object and somehow send the parsed data to 3 instances of the arduino object or to attempt to rewrite the arduino firmaware and the pd recieving abstraction since i dont foresee the hardware configuration changing all that much. insight?



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