2011/11/10 Roman Haefeli <reduz...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, 2011-11-10 at 17:14 +0100, tim vets wrote:
> > ..
> > Lastly: I wonder if there isn't a way to downsample some subpatches to
> > playback the 44.1kHz soundfiles in a 48kHz environment?
> Why would you want to run an [osc~ 440] at a different samplerate, when
> it plays a 440Hz anyway?
> Regarding audio samples, you can use [tabread4~] fed by a [line~]
> instead of [tabplay~] for up- or downsampling.

it was just a thought, I can imagine if you would have based some
sophisticated sample playback on a whole bunch of tabplay~'s or readsf~'s,
that maybe you wouldn't want or have time to change all that...
I checked [switch~] again and indeed you can enter 0.5 to downsample by
factor 2, does that mean you could enter 0.91875000000000007 to downsample
from 48 to 44.1?

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