2011/11/11 Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>

> Le 2011-11-11 à 16:57:00, tim vets a écrit :
>  Don't know if it's what you would call actual "working on fux_kinect for
>> GNU/Linux", but I did manage to compile it on Ubuntu a few days ago. I
>> ended up with a fux_kinect.pd_linux, but loading it gave me:
>> /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/**fux_kinect.pd_linux:
>> /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/**fux_kinect.pd_linux: undefined symbol:
>> _ZN7GemBase11setModifiedEv I mailed the author some Valgrind output...
> You're not telling the whole story. If you have an undefined symbol then
> the thing doesn't load, so, it can't crash.
> So, how did we resolve the undefined symbol issue so that it was able to
> at least crash ?
> I don't really remember the steps exactly, do you?
Following your suggestions on irc, I removed a few OSX specific things from
the Makefile, and replaced some things by "-shared "or so...
(thanks for the help by the way, and sorry that I forgot to mention it was
with your help that I got it to build in the first place, I didn't mean to
steal any credit :) )
That 'undefined symbol' thing probably happened now only because I was
trying with a new build of latest Gem, which doesn't seem to work itself
here. I now replaced it back with my previous Gem.pd_linux, and it behaves
like before: I try to create [fux_kinect], and pd hangs, without ever
finishing creating the object, and without messages.
I could probably look up the Valgrind output, if it's relevant.

>  ______________________________**______________________________**
> __________
> | Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC
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