On Dec 18, 2011, at 1:04 PM, rolf meesters wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 3:15 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2011, at 9:01 AM, rolf meesters wrote:
>> i think, all externals in PdX are compiled with "-march=pentium4 -msse2
>> -mfpmath=sse" (for whatever reasons, Pd itself seems to not be compiled
>> with p4/sse2 support), which will most likely produce code that is
>> non-executable on your machine.
>> that the machine used for building is a P3, doesn't matter much, as it
>> need not run the code...think of it as "cross compiling" for a newer
>> architecture.
>> fgasdr
>> IOhannes
>> so with my 15 P3-s i'm obliged to stay with PdX-0.42.5 ?
>> or is it connected with Windows-XP and not with Linux  (i'm using Ubuntu) ?
> If you are using Ubuntu on those PIIIs, then its quite easy to build it 
> yourself, just change the OPT_CFLAGS in packages/linux_make/Makefile to be 
> for pentium3 instead of pentium4 and remove the sse2 stuff.
> http://puredata.info/docs/developer/BuildingPdExtended
> .hc
> not that easy! after reading the pages about building and sources:
> fullfilled dependencies following 
> http://puredata.info/docs/developer/UbuntuMaverick
> i'm on Lucid, but no errors reported here.
> got sources:
> rsync -av --delete rsync:// 
> pd-extended-farm/
> in directory linux_make: make install
> (i386 seems to be the default)
> lots of warnings/errors:   (complete error output attached)
> mainly of this type
> .....grh/adaptive/src/lms2~.c: In function ‘lms2_tilde_new’:
> .....grh/adaptive/src/lms2~.c:246: warning: unused parameter ‘s’
> many of them in iemlib
> and at the end of the process pdlua.c seems completely amiss.
> where did i go wrong?
> something important changed between Lucid and Maverick?
> for my understanding: the version for Windows has to be compiled in Windows
> (using mingw)?
> rolf

Yeah, its true, not so easy if you're not a C developer.  But not too hard.  
Just look for the lines that have "error:" in them, those are the ones that 
matter.  The lines with "warning:" you can ignore.  So from your build log:

/home/rolfm/pd-extended-farm/externals/iem/iem_tab/src/tab_sum.c:100: warning: 
unused parameter ‘s’
pdlua.c:45:17: error: lua.h: No such file or directory
pdlua.c:46:21: error: lauxlib.h: No such file or directory
pdlua.c:47:20: error: lualib.h: No such file or directory
pdlua.c:86: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ 

You can see that its missing the lua packages.  I think you'll find the Debian 
page is the most up-to-date on which packages you need to install.  The one 
you'll need is something like "lua-dev".



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