I read the thread on the bug tracker.  It looks like this is an old bug
that manifests itself worse in 0.43 because its error recovery for
TCL commands coming from Pd isn't as good as 0.42 was.  I looked and
couldn't figure out how to make 0.43 imitate 0.42's behavior for tcl
errors - in 0.42 there was C code that parsed and executed individual
tcl commands, but since that code was replaced by pure tcl the commands
coming up from pd are sent as a batch to the interpreter which stops trying
to execute the scripts once it hits the first error.  So later stuff
doesn't get eecuted which throws Pd and the GUI out of sync.  Unless someone
knows how to make a tcl interpreter ignore errors when executing scripts
I don't know how to return to the more fail-soft 0.42 way.

That said, the particular error might be fixed in 0.43-1test7 - I'd suggest
you see if things are fixed and if not send me something that I can cause
to fail.


On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 08:36:30PM +0100, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
> On 12/26/2011 07:26 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
> >Hmm - I've never seen that one... do you know how to reproduce it (or
> >is it up on the bug tracker)?
> Hi,
> It is issue 3298989 on the bug tracker but I don't know how to reproduce it.
> It happens with practically all of my old big patches that use quite
> a bit of GUI and GOP. I just run them and after a while it always
> happens.
> I've never been able to isolate it.
> If you are interested and if you don't mind I can send you
> "privately" a huge patch that exhibits the issue, though I don't
> know a sequence of steps to reproduce it, it's a matter of waiting
> for it to happen, it usually doesn't take a very long time......
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