hi hans!

the problem is that libfreenect from fink is not up to date.
the freenect_device_attributes struct isn't defined in the version from fink -> you need that to create a freenect object with specific serial number.

it works if you use latest libfreenect from git repo.

i think there should be a new libfreenect release coming soon. at least there are discussions going on in the openkinect newsgroup about that.

maybe you can update the libfreenect fink package?
it is also needed for pix_freenect.


Am 21.01.12 07:13, schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
I tried the [freenect] object but the C code doesn't build.  I got these errors:

gcc -I/Users/hans/auto-build/pd-extended/externals/Gem/src 
-I/sw/include/libfreenect -I/sw/include -g -fast -msse3 -o freenect.o -c 
freenect.c: In function ‘freenect_bang’:
freenect.c:55: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
freenect.c:56: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
freenect.c: In function ‘freenect_new’:
freenect.c:172: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
freenect.c:173: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type

Also, I made a Makefile that works for me:


On Jan 9, 2012, at 3:26 AM, Matthias Kronlachner wrote:

i added a small external that allows to control motor/led of Kinect and can 
output the accelerometer data via libfreenect.

you can use this in combination to pix_openni.
get it here:


just the audio external with resampling included missing.... somebody willing 
to help?


Am 09.01.12 07:21, schrieb Budi Prakosa:

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Matthias Kronlachner
<m.kronlach...@student.tugraz.at>   wrote:
hello again!

if you want to use skeleton data and hand tracking (similar to OSCeleton)
combined with rgb and depth streams from Kinect Sensor you can do this with
the new pix_openni external. get it here:


binaries for osx in build folder.
you will need to install OpenNI, NITE and SensorKinect ->   see README

initialization of openni and nodes needs some time and pd freezes - keep
that in mind!
i hope it's stable, i haven't tested it excessively now.

currently it supports just 1 kinect sensor. i don't have access to two
cameras in the near future so help would be appreciated.


Am 05.01.12 09:17, schrieb Matthias Kronlachner:

hi everybody!

i did a update to my pix_freenect external for kinect and moved it into a
git repo.
get it here: http://github.com/kronihias/pix_freenect

ready to use binaries for osx (including libusb&libfreenect) are in the
build folder.

major improvements:
*    open specific Kinect sensor by serial number, not only by id (that may
change every time pd is restarted) – useful for multiple Kinect
*    output registered depthmap ->   rgb and depth images are aligned (less
offset between those two pictures - depending on distance)
*    output depthmap directly as millimeter values (16 bit in red&   green
*    resolution of rgb image can be set to 1280×1024

i also added a folder with examples - currently just one but i hope there
will come more soon....

have fun.


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