On 2012-02-15 16:11, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
Let's go back:

Instead of time units, let's take the incoming single-selector "pi" and replace 
it with
the float value of pi for any object that doesn't have a "pi" method or an
"anything" method (but does have a float method).  Furthermore, if a class 
defines a
float argument but the argument provided isn't a float, then check first if 
what it received
was A_SYMBOL 'pi' and if so replace with the float value of pi.

Is what I wrote above possible to do without causing huge problems to 
performance or
creating ambiguities?  Is it something people would look at as a feature, or a 
nuisance that
makes it harder to learn Pd?  If the answer is that something like this 
constant expansion
is a bad idea then there's no point discussing macro expansion for time units.


I think it's a bad idea to make assumptions like that. It would be far better to interpose a filter when needed. I attach a pdlua script [str2ms] that will output a float millisecond value given some kind of string specifying time. It's very easy to extend to other time types and only needs to be used if you want it, not like some secret apple troll lurking inside the object that "knows" what I want.


    Tries to convert symbols to milliseconds
    MP 20120215 
    --Written by Martin Peach 

-- Pd class

local str2ms = pd.Class:new():register("str2ms")
local result -- save most recent result for bang

function str2ms:initialize(sel, atoms)
    self.inlets = 1
    self.outlets = 1
--pd.post("str2ms init")
    return true

function str2ms.str2ms(s)
    local values = {}
    local types = {}
    local multipliers = {s = 1000, m = 60000, h = 3600000, d = 86400000} 

    for w in string.gmatch(s, "%d+") do
       table.insert(values, w)
    for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do
       table.insert(types, w)
    if #values ~= #types then
        return "number/type mismatch"
    for i = 1, #types do
        if (multipliers[types[i]]) == nil then
            return "unknown time type "..types[i]
    local totalms = 0

    for i = 1, #types do
        totalms = totalms + (multipliers[types[i]]*values[i])

    return totalms 

function str2ms:in_1(sel, atoms)
    local ms = 0
    local str

--pd.post("str2ms:in1:"..sel..#atoms.." atoms")

    if sel == "float" then -- float is already in milliseconds
        result = atoms[1]
        self:outlet(1, "float", {result})
    elseif sel == "symbol" then -- symbol is atom[1], may be convertible
        str = atoms[1]
    elseif sel == "pointer" then -- invalid type
        pd.post(self._name..": no method for pointer")
    elseif sel == "bang" then -- maybe repeat previous output
        if type(result) == "number" then -- valid conversion
            self:outlet(1, "float", {result})
    elseif #atoms > 1 then -- lists are fraught
        pd.post(self._name..": no method for list")
    elseif #atoms == 0 then -- selector may be convertible to milliseconds
        str = sel
    result = self.str2ms(str) -- try to convert
    if type(result) == "number" then -- valid conversion
        self:outlet(1, "float", {result})
    elseif type(result) == "string" then -- error string
        pd.post(self._name..": "..result)
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