Hi List,

 some of my students reported problems with pd using external firewire
interfaces on MacBooks with OSX 2.6.8. A sine wave from the "test
audio and midi" panel is very distorted.

We encountered this problem on a consumer ESI Interface and on the RME
Fireface. We tried different pd versions (0.43 and 0.42 branches,
vanilla and extended) using coreaudio and jack with the same
result. The internal sound card and standard usb interfaces sound fine
with pd.

The problem seems strange as the firewire interfaces work without any
problems with other audio applications like logic or live.

I tried to google this problem but couldn't find anything. Is this a
known issue and can someone comment on this or give any advice how to

Prof. Orm Finnendahl
Studio für elektronische Musik und Akustik
Musikhochschule Freiburg
Schwarzwaldstr. 141
79102 Freiburg
Tel.: +49-761-31915-167

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