I'm still getting this error when attempting to edit the properties of [grid]:

invalid command name "pd"
invalid command name "pd"
    while executing
"pd $cmd"
    (procedure "grid_apply" line 32)
    invoked from within
"grid_apply .gfxstub9fc7918"
    invoked from within
".gfxstub9fc7918.buttonframe.apply invoke"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
    (procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 22)
    invoked from within
"tk::ButtonUp .gfxstub9fc7918.buttonframe.apply"
    (command bound to event)

I turned on verbose mode and found that [grid] was being loaded from here:

tried /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/unauthorized/grid.pd_linux and succeeded

I've tried removing that file but can't use [grid] without it. It
appears it's not/can't load it from anywhere else. Should it be
loading it from somewhere else?



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