and seeing biquad coefficients
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Do ggee's objects recognize the sampling rate? They didn't appear to
for me. When I changed the SR and used the same frequency value, I
heard a change in the center frequency of the filter.

From: Hans-Christoph Steiner
Sent: 4/9/2012 5:59 PM
To: Samuel Burt
Cc: Pd List
Subject: Re: [PD] [PD-announce] new GUI obect: filterview, for
generating and seeing biquad coefficients

It understands the global sample rate, but not yet the sample rate set
with [block~].


On Apr 9, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Samuel Burt wrote:

> I've just taught myself about biquad~ and understand enough to know that a 
> change in sampling rate will change the calculation of the center frequency. 
> I was hoping the second outlet would output this information. Will it change 
> based on the sampling rate or will it always be calculated for 44.1K?
> Sam
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 3:20 , Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> The second outlet will eventually output the current filter bandwith, 
>> center, and gain, but right now it does nothing.
>> .hc
>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Samuel Burt wrote:
>>> Hans,
>>> Great to know. It works wonderfully with the beta of 0.43-extended here.
>>> What is the second outlet of filterview?
>>> I really appreciate the safeguards to prevent the filter from becoming 
>>> unstable.
>>> Sam
>>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:13 , Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>>> The last bit is the key bit of information: filterview will only work on 
>>>> 0.43, not 0.42.5.  It relies on some of the new features of 0.43.
>>>> .hc
>>>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Samuel Burt wrote:
>>>>> Here are the steps I took:
>>>>> 1) I opened the help patch in the directory with the .pd_darwin binary 
>>>>> file.
>>>>> 2) I turned on audio.
>>>>> 3) I selected a high pass filter.
>>>>> 4) I wondered if changing the bandwidth would do anything, so I moved my 
>>>>> cursor over one of the red lines that show bandwidth. The line became 
>>>>> highlighted but I could not move it from its position.
>>>>> 5) I selected a band pass filter.
>>>>> 6) I attempted to move the bandwidth, again, to no avail.
>>>>> 7) I single-clicked (no hold) in the area between the bandwidth markers 
>>>>> and began changing the frequency of the band pass filter.
>>>>> 8) The filter continued following my pointer as long as it was inside the 
>>>>> borders of the GUI.
>>>>> 9) If I moved my pointer out of the GUI and pressed command-E, the 
>>>>> frequency would stop moving.
>>>>> 10) Pressing command-E, again, would resume following my pointer without 
>>>>> my clicking anywhere.
>>>>> 11) Then, Pd failed with a spinning beach ball. A force quit was 
>>>>> necessary.
>>>>> 12) In the meantime, when I clicked on the patch's titlebar, it showed 
>>>>> one of the cursor symbols for changing the bandwidth.
>>>>> Let me know if I can help test it more.
>>>>> I suppose I left out one bit of information. I am running Pd-extended 
>>>>> 0.42.5-extended.
>>>>> Sam
>>>>> On Apr 8, 2012, at 6:35 , Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>>>>> Hmm, I thought I got rid of that issue with it sticking to the mouse 
>>>>>> pointer... arg.  Can you tell me the steps to reproduce it?
>>>>>> I should add more to the help patch.  The goal was to make it as 
>>>>>> self-explanatory as possible.  So you can click and move the filter 
>>>>>> center and gain, and click and drag on the vertical bandwidth lines to 
>>>>>> control the bandwidth.
>>>>>> .hc
>>>>>> On Apr 8, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Samuel Burt wrote:
>>>>>>> Hans,
>>>>>>> This is so exciting. The binary is working here on a MacIntosh 2.8 GHz 
>>>>>>> Intel Core 2 Duo with OS 10.6.8. I thought you might appreciate some 
>>>>>>> quick user feedback.
>>>>>>> When I click the graphic, it lets me adjust frequency and amplitude, 
>>>>>>> but then my cursor gets stuck to it like mouse up isn't working. Every 
>>>>>>> time I click it adds another red vertical line.
>>>>>>> A slight bit more documentation would be helpful in the help patch, 
>>>>>>> too, explaining how one can interact with the graph with the mouse. Is 
>>>>>>> it possible to change the bandwidth with the GUI? is there a key 
>>>>>>> combination one can hold?
>>>>>>> Sam
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> The arc of history bends towards justice.     - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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