"João Pais" <jmmmp...@googlemail.com> wrote:

>I don't know if these apply to you:
>if your canvas are being created/saved with a wrong symbol as symbol,
>might cause them to have some bugs. looking at the text file of the
>makes it clear, where one symbol should be, there are several now (in
>you turned a list with spaces into a symbol). then the following
>aren't read in the proper order.
>changing gui properties through messages (or even the window) doesn't
>the patch dirty, so you will need

Unless you are using pd-l2ork, in which case it does ;-)

 >to include the save process in your  
>patch. I think there was an external that sent a bang when the patch
>closed, that could be used for it.
>> Ah, now I figured out how to work around it:
>> I was sending
>> [loadbang]
>> |
>> [symbol <stuff>]
>> |
>> [mycanvas label $1(
>> to it, and, apparently, after setting the label, the problem appears.
>> I suppressed the loadbang, and could then edit and save the canvas  
>> happily.
>> strange...
>> Tim
>> 2012/5/24 tim vets <timv...@gmail.com>
>>> when I put a canvas in my patch and I want to open the properties to
>>> change size/color/label...,
>>> I get no properties window but:
>>> (Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: wrong # args: should be "pdtk_iemgui_dialog
>>> mytoplevel mainheader dim_header wdt min_wdt wdt_label hgt min_hgt
>>> hgt_label rng_header min_rng min_rng_label max_rng max_rng_label  
>>> rng_sched
>>> lin0_log1 lilo0_label lilo1_label loadbang steady num_label num snd
>>> gui_name gn_dx gn_dy gn_f gn_fs bcol fcol lcol"
>>>     while executing
>>> "pdtk_iemgui_dialog .gfxstuba5f4d60 |cnv|
>>> ------selectable_dimensions(pix):------ 15 1 size: 0.0 0.0
>>> empty             ------visible_rectan..."
>>>     ("uplevel" body line 1)
>>>     invoked from within
>>> "uplevel #0 $cmds_from_pd"
>>> It is still possible to change the size by sending vis_size $1 $2 to
>>> receiver,
>>> but the change doesn't get saved into the patch.
>>> this applies to only one of several subpatches in the main patch.
>>> any ideas?
>>> gr,
>>> Tim
>Friedenstr. 58
>10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
>Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
>Studio +49 30 69509190
>jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
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Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A
Composition, Music Technology
Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra
Assistant Director, CCTAD
Virginia Tech
Department of Music
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0240
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