I could not get it to run in version 5 either. AFAIK pd~ was developed when Max 
was at version 4.something
Also it is now removed on Ted Apel's site 

Am 08.12.2012 um 08:34 schrieb Alexandre Torres Porres <por...@gmail.com>:

> Hello, how's it going? 
> Recently I thought this computer music course and told MAX users they could 
> open Pd in it with the [pd~] object for MAX.
> We just couldn't make it happen. I don't have MAX, but I had tried a while 
> ago without success either, thinking I might have been doing something wrong. 
> Well, this time I was trying this with a few MAX users and it turns out the 
> object doesn't really instantiate. 
> I wonder if anyone has ever successfuly used this.
> I ask if it doesn't work on version 6 only.
> Anyway, it seems to me no one is actually tweaking and playing with Pd inside 
> MAX. Bummer.
> cheers
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