On Die, 2013-01-08 at 12:14 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> 1))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
> When loading a patch in netpd on Ubuntu 12.04.1, Pd-extended immediately
> and reliably crashes. This does not happen with any Pd 0.43 or 0.44
> version. Also it didn't happen with earlier builds of Pd-0.43-extended,
> though I can't exactly specify the last version that didn't crash yet
> (I'll investigate that later). 

Ok, I got this one hunted down. The offending commit is this:

commit b95886ccd619d6141a62608f11fda8999ea0a686
Author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@eds.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 14 21:29:24 2012 -0500

    place new subpatch windows near where the [pd] object was created
    Use the last click location in the editor and the screen x/y position of
    the owner window to set where the new canvas toplevel window is placed.


The attached patch consisting of only three objects exhibits the
problem. When creating a subpatch inside a hidden subpatch, Pd-extended
crashes. It does not so, when the outer subpatch is visible. 

Before this commit, creating subpatches in hidden subpatches was
perfectly legal thing to do.


#N canvas 63 172 596 107 10;
#X msg 11 13 obj 10 10 pd inner;
#X obj 11 39 s pd-outer;
#N canvas 927 357 272 428 outer 0;
#X restore 10 64 pd outer;
#X text 132 12 <- click message to crash Pd-0.43.4-extended > 2012-12-14
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
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