
You can look at the attached archive.
I repeat that I'm not sure it a good way...
But it's a working way... :-p



Le 21.01.2013 15:42, Pierre Massat a écrit :
Dear List,

I've been working a lot with Python and Pd lately, and i would like
to have better means of communication between the two.
I know next to nothing about inter-process communication, I know
nothing about FUDI (except that it's the protocol used by pdsend and
pdreceive), and I have no idea what pdreceive was originally designed
for. I've only used the subprocess (formerly popen) module in python,
but i don't know how to use it with streams of messages coming from
the standard output of a running process.
 I don't want to use libpd for now because i only need to send and
receive simple messages between Python and Pd.

Can someone please provide a few hints ?



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