Reset your preferences to get knob back, its included.  There is a new "Reset 
to Defaults" button in the Preferences.  Or you can load it manually:  [import 

I did some work to remove redundant drawing operations, so that reduce the CPU 
usage for patches that draw a lot.


On Feb 10, 2013, at 7:08 AM, Björn Eriksson wrote:

> After some uninstall of the old 0.42.3 extended and a reinstall of 0.43.4 
> extended it now works fluently. Nice!
> Seems also to be more efficient with my old slow computer(s), especially with 
> the graphics. Maybe there is an obvious explanation for that. Now it´s just 
> [knob] that seems to be not included. What library should that be in? 
> /Björn
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Björn Eriksson <> wrote:
> Object cursor don´t work in 0.43.4 / Windows 7,
> ===================================
> (maybe its in a special library not included now in 
> the new version?  Might it be a crappy installation I did? For instance I 
> keep the old 0.42.3 installation, might that interfere with the newer?)
> I filled in an error report at sourceforge, but thought I should send it here 
> aswell, as I am using the [cursor] in some teaching soon.
> First I was thinking to let the students install the 0.42.3 just out of a 
> small fear that it might be a bit unstable with some things, but thinking on 
> it twice made me go for the newer because it should be more up to date, and 
> also has some rather amazing functions implemented.
> /Björn Eriksson
> Ok, here is the error text that appears:
> (Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: invalid command name "pd"
>     while executing
> "pd [concat #hcs_cursor_class_receive motion $x $y 
> \;]"
>     (procedure "::hcs_cursor_class::motion" line 3)
>     invoked from within
> "::hcs_cursor_class::motion [winfo pointerx .] [winfo 
> pointery .]"
>     (procedure "::hcs_cursor_class::pollmotion" line 
> 2)
>     invoked from within
> "::hcs_cursor_class::pollmotion "
>     ("uplevel" body line 4)
>     invoked from within
> "uplevel #0 $cmds_from_pd"
> System:
> Pd version 0.43.4-extended
> Win 7
> M-Audio Fast Track Ultra
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