On 09/12/13 21:55, David Schaffer wrote:
> pix_mask won't work. I still have a picture, the console doesn't warn me
> for anything, but the pix_mask effect doesn't occur anymore, just like
> it's been bypassed... is there a workaround to this?

glsl-shaders modify the rendering pipeline according to your needs.
this means, that it will (partly) replace the default rendering.
e.g. you could create a shader that will set all fragments to (say) red,
ignoring all the color-information you have given with [color] objects
and textures.

i guess, your shader simply does not do the same with the alpha-values
of the texture as the original rendering stage, thus "disabling" the
usual effect. fixing the shader should be simple.

but it is hard to tell without any more information about your shader
and your patch.


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