On 10/04/2013 03:50 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
My vote would be to keep all the original GPL licenses in Pd vanilla's
expr, and to remove the LGPL readme.  GPL was the licensed under
which expr was originally released, so we can reasonably assume all the
copyright holders agreed to that license.

If the consensus was that it should be changed in order to accomodate
Pure Data builds on IOS, then everyone who wants to use expr on IOS
should pool their resources and hire a lawyer to explain what is and
isn't allowed under the LGPL and Apple's TOS.  The lawyer should also
find out if it was indeed possible to change the license to LGPL in light
of what Miller brings up about the original licensing.

That's two unknowns wrt LGPL expr, and they won't be solved by
revising the source nor IANAL discussions.


Cheaper and simpler than talking to lawyers would be simply to write a new
compatible one.  On the way it could export an API so that other objects
could evaluate expressions (you could embed them in messages, make a Max-like
'if', maybe have a thing that creates objects with expr-calculated creation
arguments, etc).

You mean like:
pdint_class = class_new(gensym("int"), (t_newmethod)pdint_new, 0,
sizeof(t_pdint), 0, A_EXPR, 0);




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